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Multi-Age Classrooms

We offer our students different group experiences while at Wickliffe. Our current grade-level configuration is as follows: K, 1, 2/3, 4/5.

Research shows that in multi-age classrooms: 

  • Students learn at their own pace rather than being taught skills for which they are not ready or that they have already mastered. Students respond to experiences at a level that is appropriate for them. 

  • Students spend the bulk of their time engaged in conceptual, critical thinking rather than memorizing and repeating basic skills.

  • Students learn skills in an integrated, authentic context rather than in isolation.

  • Teachers develop a deeper understanding of children’s unique strengths and needs over the course of a potential two-year experience, and are therefore in a better position to support their learning. 

  • Children develop a sense of belonging with their classmates and teacher. They become a "family of learners" who support and care for one another socially, emotionally and academically.

“Combination classes allow children to respond to the curricular experiences at the level that is appropriate for them. They create social and academic interactions that support a wide range of child abilities and promote cooperative learning behaviors as children observe and work with others. They provide educators and parents with flexible grouping opportunities that accommodate the developmental uniqueness of each child. Informal teachers are committed to creating learning experiences that are responsive to all children at all levels they represent, rather than trying to conform children to a particular level simply because a child is a certain chronological age.” — Steven R. Delapp, Thought Ramblings of the Informal Alternative Program Director, Upper Arlington Schools, May 1986

Multi-Age Q&A